Do you want to streaming your media from mobile to TV? Just use Kodi media streaming and enjoy it.Kodi media streaming is open-source software designed specifically with home entertainment in mind – and its totally free. Although it was originally created for the Microsoft Xbox and called Xbox Media Center (XBMC), the software has continued to evolve - spawning a community of its own.Kodi media streaming essentially turns any computer, smartphone or tablet into a digital set-top box or streamer, giving users the ability to stream files from the internet, a home network and local storage. On smaller devices, Kodi offers a similar experience, but can be hooked up to a larger TV for big-screen viewing.Kodi media streaming lets you stream content from the internet as well as your hard disk, and it’s actually very simple to use. If you’ve just downloaded Kodi but youre not sure where to start, this quick guide is for you. For this tutorial, we’ll be using the current build of Kodi, Isengard. If you don’t have that version, don’t worry, as Kodi tends not to change too much between builds.
This is an unofficial guide apps of Kodi media streaming and XMBC. We just guide you how to use Kodi, How to install addons and How to change skin.